Vernian Process - Behold The Machine

Welcome to the machine!
Welcome, one and all
To the greatest show on earth
Welcome to our fall!

A boilerplate for a coat of skin
On oil and steam it thrives
A heart of iron pumps the blood
To keep this monster alive
Of polished brass and steel contrived
Gears whir and metal churns
Eyes aglow from the fire inside
As the coal within it burns

Behold the machine!
Tremble at its power!
A light upon the world
In our darkest hour!
What is its purpose?
What is its place?
To bring us a new age?
To destroy the human race?

Behold the machine!
Its pistons push it toward its goals
Whatever they may be
Its gauges and its valves
Remain a mystery to me--
This great mechanical mass!
Its purpose still uncertain
But pay no heed
To those behind the curtain!

Behold the machine!
Tremble at its power!
A blight upon the world--
This is our darkest hour!
What is its purpose?
To save, or to enslave?
Beware the machines,
They may send us to our grave!
Beware the machine!